Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Completion of a Very Cozy Weekend!

Happy Sunday :)

So, today ends our first weekend in which we had NO planned tours, or field trips, or ANYTHING! Betcha can't WAIT to hear about how it was spent :)

Friday night, we made Mexican food. We had been toying with the idea for several days after noticing that Mexican food is particularly hard to come by in Copenhagen (unlike Thai, Chinese, or sushi - those restaurants are everywhere!) so, Friday night was FIESTA night! We bought tortillas (HARD to find! And they came in a cardboard box!), cheese, beans, peppers, etc. and made burritos! I unfortunately did not have a camera with me, but you can imagine the end result :) It was delicious, and cooking with friends is always fun and makes for great bonding time.

We had the privilege of spending time with Jordy's DIS Danish buddy (whose name I won't even TRY to spell). She is just lovely! We talked a lot about the differences between American and Danish cultures, and it was really interesting listening to a perspective from someone our own age (she actually just graduated from high school, but I would have guessed  MUCH older than that). She read us parts of a Danish book of rhymes, which REALLY made me want to just snap my fingers and know the language perfectly. It sounds so cool when spoken quickly and correctly, especially when it rhymes!

After good food, (kinda) good wine, fun conversation and an interesting round of drinking games, we headed out on the town! After realizing that cover charges are too expensive and bars get a liiiittle crowded to handle every weekend, we opted to get some drinks from the corner store and drink em by our favorite fountain :)

Apartment buddies!
WINNER of a picture
It ended up being a blast! We also did some entertaining people watching; some Copenhagen-ers get goofy at night! We witnessed lots of...ORIGINAL outfits, as well as a middle-aged man trying to learn to do a cartwheel in the middle of central square. Can't beat that :)

Anyway, yesterday was Saturday! We ventured into Frederiksberg for the weekly Saturday flea market!


This was too cool! I didn't buy anything, but in a few weeks we want to strategically arrive EARLY and snag all the good stuff :) After the flea market, we wandered! We stumbled upon a benefit for the homeless. There was a band there playing Bob Dylan and Beatles covers, and a table full of free posters, post cards, CDs, and bottles of soda!

Then we found a nice garden for a picnic:

Frederiksberg is a cozy, upscale part of Copenhagen full of fun shops, gardens, and great food. It's also the location of the Copenhagen zoo and the Frederiksberg Castle! There's a nice mall right next to the metro stop, too, which we didn't really explore but certainly will at some point :)

Next (possibly highlight of the day), we found a WONDERFUL ice cream shop! The woman in front of us in line mentioned that it was one of the finest ice cream and chocolate stores in Copenhagen (maybe even all of Denmark!) We're absolutely returning when it gets cold, because I have a feeling they have the best hot chocolate in the WORLD!

We found some cheap, delicious pizza for dinner...

...And then made our way home! I spent Saturday night snuggled on the couch with my roommates watching movies and drinking tea. Is there any better way to spend a Saturday? :) In Denmark, they call cozy friend time "hygge" (pronounced HUU-guh), and this past weekend was full of it!

Today, I woke up and spent some time reading the Sacramento Bee online (first time I've actually checked the news...) and drinking coffee on the couches with my roommates. We went to the DIS Picnic (right on the beach! So pretty!) and then headed back to do...homework? NOT! I blogged instead!

...But now, onto the homework :) Here I shall leave you with some pictures from the picnic! Thanks for reading :)

Clear, beautiful water :)

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